

Please consider a donation to conservationist organizations

Part of Tracy's goal with this race is to bring awareness and support for the following conservationist organizations. In support of Tracy and this cause please consider a donation to these organizations. You will find a "Moots miles" donation button on their web sites:

Rivers Unlimited
Little Miami State Park

Friday, July 27, 2012

The things we do...

You might have wondered why we left Grants at 3 in the morning. That means we got up at 1:30, sat down in Denny's at 2:30 and then started peddling by 3AM. PIE baby.... pie! Pie town closed at 4pm so we had to leave Grants by 3am. The roads had just been graded and he winds were low so we got to town by NOON! You know what that means? More pie. So we ate pie around one... Went to the local hostel, the "toaster house", for a nap and then returned by 3:30 for... more pie. While we were eating dinner the phone rang; the waitress said, "yes they are" and then the waitress handed the phone to Jim. It was Dan Haskins, a racer that had finished the previous week and was calling to wish us well. Wow how cool huh?


  1. Always enjoy a good pie story from you. ;-) Makes me hungry !!

  2. What's the deal with Silver City?! Get outta there and finish!!!

  3. Eating pie? It is way cool! Oh, you're talking about the call... : ) Elaine

  4. Yay! Finished! I'm in bloody UK so can't text you but,awesome job! Can't wait to see you!

  5. Yay! Done, done done! You did it, TB!! Amazing! Been following you, downhill, all day!!! Girl, I knew you were stubborn years ago.......! Congrats!

  6. Congratulations, Tracy!! Well done!

  7. AWESOME! I just keep thinking 50 days endurance and that so totally blows me away. And how many riders could endure these harsh conditions and mental and emotional pressures for 50 days. No prizes in this race, but I keep thinking there should be an endurance category in the final record books! I saw so many racers stayed with you and Jim on the boards after they completed, knowing exactly what you were going through that us dot junkies really can't fathom. You are one helluva gal and it's a privilege to know you and share the journey! xoxo Judi

  8. Congratulations, Tracy! You don't know me, but you rode briefly with two good friends of mine earlier in the race (Greg Kidd and Pete Castelli). My wife and I have been avidly following your progress ever since. It's so good to see you reach the border still singing, smiling and eating pies.

    We live in New Zealand -- if you ever come out this way, I'd love to show you some of our local trails...

  9. "the toaster house!" hi Tracy, this is colton. My brother and two others stayed at the toaster house with you, Jim, and John. It's awesome that now two weeks after the return from my ride, I still loved the toaster house the most! You will forever be lodged in my head as a great memory of a great time and place. I hope your doing well!
