

Please consider a donation to conservationist organizations

Part of Tracy's goal with this race is to bring awareness and support for the following conservationist organizations. In support of Tracy and this cause please consider a donation to these organizations. You will find a "Moots miles" donation button on their web sites:

Rivers Unlimited
Little Miami State Park

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Out there.

When my bike is loaded and I set out I am returned to a familiar and wonderful place. There is a certain freedom and excitement I feel when I have a everything I need with me.
 I tell you, 12-15 mph is a perfect speed at which to experience the world.
 I can smell the air redolent with farm animals, honey suckle, recently cut hay, or road kill. And it's all good.
I  hear the bird's songs, the bee's buzz, and  the hustle and bustle of little animals along the trail.
Swooshing down a long grade I battle butterflies for space, and take an occasional hit in the glasses from large bug. Each a beautiful experience.
 My legs pump hard underneath me while I think and sing, and sing and think. I am in a rythm when I am out there.
 I am looking forward to getting started.


  1. Cheryl and I are looking forward to you getting back...! (of course, we want you to have an incredible, successful - and SAFE - trip, too!)
    We love you! -cindylist

  2. Always did love your ability to paint a picture with words.
